Find Out What Life Was Like Before Direct Deposit

Paydays have always been busy!

If you think paydays are busy now, you should have seen our lobby in the Combined Locks Paper Mill on payday! Back in our early days, payday was quite the event! Watch the video below to find out just how stressful it was for our tellers! This is only a small clip from a special Fox Communities history video that we created. The video tells the story of Fox’s beginnings, how we’ve grown, and what makes us such a special organization (spoiler alert: it’s how much we care about each other and our communities)!  We’ve made the full video available if you’d like to watch – and you should –  it’s 25 minutes of heartwarming history.

Cathy Harvath: This credit union started in a mill. Combined Locks Paper Mill. And back in the day, before direct deposit, workers would come to the location to get their paychecks.

Nancy Krahn: The mill people would get their paychecks and line up in our lobby and we would hand them the paper check. They would tell us their mill number and we would hand them their check.

Cathy Harvath: They would come and there weren’t computers, so everything had to be handwritten. So, it was busy, they were slammed on payday!

Nancy Krahn: Lines would be out the door. It was so interesting.

Cathy Harvath: So, as soon as everyone was gone, they would open their drawer, and mix themselves an Old Fashioned. I thought, oh my god, that’s the cutest story.

Nancy Krahn: Now, you think no one has a paper check anymore.

Cathy Harvath – Vice President of Marketing, Fox Communities Credit Union
Nancy Krahn – Vice President of Branch Operations, Fox Communities Credit Union