Fraud Focus: Skimming

As we know too well, money doesn't grow on trees. And we work really hard to earn it! So, it's important to protect your money by being aware of how fraudsters use skimming to steal it. Read on to learn more.

What is skimming?

Skimming occurs when a device is illegally installed on an ATM, point-of-sale (POS) terminal, or fuel pump to capture data or record cardholders’ PINs. Criminals use the data to create fake debit or credit cards and then attempt to withdraw cash or conduct fraudulent transactions using the card number and PIN.

How can you minimize your risk?

  • Use online banking to review accounts to detect any fraudulent activity early and alert the credit union as soon as possible.
    • If you are not currently enrolled in online banking, please call the credit union and we will walk you through it.
    • Online banking gives you the ability to watch your account activity 24/7.
  • Utilize our Card Controls feature within online banking.
    • You can set up alerts for each time your card is used.
    • Turn your card on and off so it can only be used when you know you’re going to need it.
  • Be vigilant when visiting ATMs.
    • Loose, crooked, damaged or scratches are all signs of possible tampering.
    • Cover the keypad when you enter your PIN to prevent cameras from recording your entry.

Additional Details About ATM Skimming

  • ATM skimmer devices usually fit over the original card reader.
  • Some ATM skimmers are inserted in the card reader, placed in the terminal, or situated along exposed cables.
  • Pinhole cameras installed on ATMs record a customer entering their PIN. Pinhole camera placement varies widely.
  • In some cases, keypad overlays are used instead of pinhole cameras to record PINs. Keypad overlays record a customer’s keystrokes.
  • Skimming devices store data to be downloaded or wirelessly transferred later.

We want to assure you that safeguarding your personal information is of the utmost importance to us. Please contact us if you notice any fraudulent activity on your accounts. We are here for you!

ATM Skimming
Skimming is an illegal activity that involves the installation of a device, usually undetectable by ATM users, that secretly records bank account data when the user inserts an ATM card into the machine. Criminals can then encode the stolen data onto a blank card and use it to loot the customer's bank account.
1 Hidden camera
A concealed camera is typically used in conjunction with the skimming device in order to record customers typing their PIN into the ATM keypad. Cameras are usually concealed somewhere on the front of the ATM-in this example, just above the screen in a phony ATM part-or somewhere nearby (like a light fixture).
2 Skimmer
The skimmer, which looks very similar to the original card reader in color and texture, fits right over the card reader-the original card reader is usually concave in shape (curving inward), while the skimmer is more convex (curving outward). As customers insert their ATM card, bank account information on the card is "skimmed," or stolen, and usually stored on some type of electronic device.
3 Keypad overlay
The use of a keypad overlay- placed directly on top of the factory-installed keypad is a fairly new technique that takes the place of a concealed camera. Instead of visually recording users punching in their PINS, circuitry inside the phony keypad stores the actual keystrokes.